It is graduation season, Mother's and Father's Day, Summer Solstice, BBQ's, and vacations (joy, happiness), and yet, all around us traumatizing events are happening (anguish, grief, pain). Going from one extreme to the other is shocking and deeply stressful to the body and soul. The body and the mind do not know how to respond or what to feel, so they enter into a holding pattern. The anger, fear, sadness, and yes, guilt further exacerbate p.e. to the degree that tears and laughter become a struggle. I've never felt this inability to laugh or cry - and here I am. It is a strange, liminal ball of dough stuck in the middle of my chest. Maybe the body is in defense mode from all of the jarring emotions and the brain has shut down some of its emotional capacity? I don’t know yet. But I do know at some point, the emotional dam will break.
In the meantime, I will be gentle with myself. I will eat well. I will read and listen to what feels good in my soul. I will drink plenty of cool water. I will exercise and meditate. I will vote. I will pray and preach the Good News. I will lean into my community. I will resist.
My hope and prayer is that for all who are experiencing p.e. you will practice soul nurturing care until release comes. Until change comes.